• 描述
    “回望过去 ,我遇到的机会最后都成了二选一的题目 :眼前利益还是长远利益 ,而我的选择都是长远利益 。”- 黑石-彼得森
    "Looking back, many of my opportunities turned out to be a career choice between short-term versus long-term advantage. I have concluded it should always be about the longer term." Peter G. Peterson, "The Education of an American Dreamer", Page 356)
    The Long-Term Way
    bet8集团深耕粤港澳大湾区 ,凭借丰富的人脉和客户资源 ,在商业 、写字楼 、公寓 、酒店 、物流 、IDC 、住宅等领域拥有广泛的项目资源储备 ,能为意在大湾区投资的提供独特的价值 。
    bet8集团同银行 、信托等非银金融机构 、机构投资人 、境外不动产基金 、境内不动产基金建立了长期 、深度的战略合作 ,为不动产客户提供精准 、专业的投 、融资服务 ,擅长解决“疑难杂症” 。
    Long-Term Group has deep connections in the great bay area, our project pipeline includes commercial complexes, office buildings, apartments, hotels, logistics, IDC, housing developments, etc., offering a unique edge for our clients’ investments in the Great Bay rea.
    Throughout decades of experience in the financial services industry, the Long-Term team has fostered and secured long term strategic relationships with institutional investors, such as banks, trusts, securities companies, real estate investment funds (both local and global funds), providing our clients with precise and professional investment and advisory services, helping clients overcome financing difficulties in the Chinese real estate market.
    The Long-Term Advantage